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  • keystonecurling

First round schedule is posted

Hello all - two things to mention:

1 - The schedule is up for the first round! We have 18 teams and 3 divisions this year. To find your schedule, go to and click on your team name (you will be required to make a login for the site, which you will also need to submit scores). I'll be working on getting the spare list and the remainder of the functionality up and running over the next few days. Please familiarize yourself with the return to play guidelines ( before your first game. I will be posting a page on the website with a list of the Granite's return to play protocols. As with any public activity, please do not come to the rink if you are experiencing symptoms or have recently come into contact with anyone with COVID-19.

2 - I am testing this to see if we did indeed manage to fix out why all the post notifications are addressed from Alan.

See you all soon, and stay healthy. If you notice anything glitchy with the website please let me know at and put KRCL in the subject line so I can address any issues more quickly.

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